Choose a Laptop or Desktop, is used for what?
It depends on your needs, whether it will be used outdoors or used indoors. Do you need your files outside the home or in the house. If you are more in need of your files inside the house, then you better select the Desktop Computer. But if you need the files you are out and easy to carry anywhere. So should you choose a laptop. Because laptops can easily carry, easy to connect to the Internet. Either by using a cable or with WiFi.
Choosing a Processor
There are two large American companies that produce processors: Intel and AMD.
If you are confused about choosing a laptop with an Intel or AMD. So we select the appropriate advice to your liking it. Because in terms of quality, processor speed, and the price is almost the same.
By comparing the time you will buy your laptop, you should choose a dual CPU: Dual Core, Intel Quad Core or X2, X4 AMD lice. Why?The current system requires a fast processor and powerful to run: a dual processor is often required to operate your computer now.
How much RAM?
RAM is the memory your laptop. In contrast to the hardrive storage. When you do image editing, video, or playing games, then what is needed is a fast processor and large RAM. The bigger the RAM you use your laptop then the faster the process.If you are using Windows XP, then the minimum required RAM is 1 GB. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7: 3 GB is the minimum but we recommend that you buy a laptop with 4GB RAM.
If you are using Mac OS: the processor 4 GB desired.
What size hard drive?
Hard drives can store music files, pictures, mp3, on your computer. Plus it's bigger, it will save. Evaluated the data storage space gigabytes (GB).For normal use, we recommend the 320 GB of storage space to a minimum. If you have more space on your hard drive, you can buy an external hard drive.
What size screen?
Of course, the bigger it is, the screen will be great. Currently you will find 13-inch laptops (called Ultra portable ...) to 17 (or 19 inches for some). It is up to you to see the size you want (especially depending on your budget) Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 7? Windows 7 is the latest system released by Microsoft. (Windows Vista is the next to last) Windows XP is the old system and now no longer updated. We advise you to move now to a new system: Windows Seven and make updates regularly Windows 7 is an enhanced version of Windows Vista, including better management of resources and less bugs!
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