Canon PowerShot S110 12MP Digital Camera with 3-Inch LCD (Black)

Canon PowerShot S110 12MP Digital Camera with 3-Inch LCD (Black)


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While the S110 has great features, it suffers from the fatal lens error that has become synonymous with Canon's Powershot S line of cameras. This Powershot S110 failed with a lens error during a family vacation - leaving me with just my lousy smartphone camera. I had it for only 20 days when it failed.

I've owned the S10, S80, S95, and now this S110. With the exception of the S95, ever single model has had a lens error. Until now I've just dealt with it (returned / repaired) because of the excellent image quality and features. I can no longer ignore these lens issues and I will no longer be buying Canon cameras. Frankly, I feel like kind of a fool for giving Canon so many chances.

Do yourself a favor and search for Powershot lens errors. Most importantly, don't ignore what you find! This is a great camera when it works - which is why there are so many 5 star reviews. Read the 1 star reviews to get an idea how common the lens error is - then decide if you want to take a chance on this camera.

via Amazon Best Seller V2 copy copy

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